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Guardian Spell Compendium

Every spell used by a Guardian throughout the Four Walls Series. They are organized by difficulty level; within each level, they are listed in the order they appear in the books.

Guardian Spell Compendium: Image

Beginner Spells

"Dragons, aid me in my strife,

And through our bond led me your life"

Cures the Guardian's minor physical wounds.

"Dragon's Fury"

Temporarily gives the Guardian increased strength and speed, but can be physically exhausting afterward.

"Dragon's Wings"

Creates a temporary pair of golden wings for the Guardian. They can light with what looks like fire to give a boost in flight.

Guardian Spell Compendium: Work

Intermediate Spells

"Wind, carry flame from my hand,

And burn my enemies at my command"

Creates a jet of powerful flames from the Guardian's hand.

“Deplete dexterity, weigh hands down;

Let heat cut air, and decay abound”


"In time of need, I play my card;

The flames within are now unbarred.

'Til ice be burned and seas be charred,

Let the fire of the sun be my guard"

Creates a halo of fire and force around the Guardian that deflects incoming projectiles and burns nearby surroundings.

Guardian Spell Compendium: Work

Advanced Spells

"By the wisdom of dragons and Guardians prior,

And by the Dragon Eternal's grace

Bring radiance that can outshine the sun's fire

And light that can blind the furthest star in space!

With your eyes open and your shining wings unfurled,

Unearth even the deepest corner of the night

Cast your power on the darkest shadow of the world,

And by this radiance lend me your sight!"

Allows the Guardian to see anything, regardless of distance or obstacles. The Guardian's body is frozen in place, and they can control their vision by "zooming in" or "zooming out" and turning their eyes in any direction.

Guardian Spell Compendium: Work

Master Spells

"I blacken the history you have painted

And with the blaze of the Dragon Eternal's flame,

I banish you from this world you have tainted;

I strike out your legacy and burn down your name!"

Banishes the target from existence. This utterly annihilates them, sending them to a place between the Physical and Spectral realms, so that there is no way to survive.

"From the fires that brighten the dead of night

And the rain that darkens the day

I call upon dragons of darkness and light,

Powers no mortal shall slay.

Power of infinity, power of endings,

Creatures from sunlight and shade,

Ability beyond all comprehending,

I call upon your aid.

Ride the winds of the infinite skies,

Shake the everlasting stone

I call you forth to my side

So I shall not fight alone.

I call you forth from our bond

To fight the threat at hand;

Stand against the world beyond

And rise to my command!"

Summons the dragons (all of them) to the area around the caster. They are not magically transported there, but are sworn to obey and arrive as quickly as possible.

"Dragon who was imprisoned, dragon who I have found,

I unlock your power that was (rough number) years bound.

Bring forth a rage on those who forged your scars:

Fire that could burn down a hell beyond the stars!

By the grace of the gift you gave my ancestor, I burn the door to your torment, and through the power of your flames, I set you free!"

Specifically for freeing the Dragon Eternal from any prison. Since it more or less cannot be killed, its only danger was from imprisonment, so it built this spell into the blessing it gave the Guardian line.

Guardian Spell Compendium: Work
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